
TOP Customer Ratings for WEHRLE Umwelt

TOP customer ratings make WEHRLE one of the most reputable suppliers of plants for the treatment of complex wastewaters from waste treatment or the industry – if required including water reuse or even ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge). WEHRLE has obtained these good customer ratings in different countries and applications, in particular due to its employees‘ competence, sustainable concepts and the reliable quality of the constructed plants demonstrated over decades.

Besides, worldwide remote maintenance & control by WEHRLE’s experts in Germany is possible at any time. WEHRLE offeres tailor-made high-performance plants.

Yet WEHRLE’s wastewater treatment plants are anything but conventional: for WEHRLE’s core business, the treatment of wastewaters from waste treatment, the company had developed innovative technologies 30 years ago, for example, the first cross-flow membrane bioreactor (MBR) or the first nanofiltration (NF), both on industrial scale. Since the commissioning of the first plants, being still in operation today due to the low operational costs, the portfolio has been constantly expanded and technically modernised: today’s plants are fully automated and can be operated via different “mobile devices” from any place. Besides, worldwide remote maintenance and control by WEHRLE’s experts in Germany is possible at any time.

Because of this background, WEHRLE is capable of planning and constructing tailor-made high-performance plants, also for industrial clients, ensuring reliability, few operation efforts and low operational costs. WEHRLE plants are known for their user-friendliness and the compact, modular construction, guaranteeing flexibility for future changes of requirements.

All those factors contribute to the good customer ratings WEHRLE is constantly given. Currently, since 2017, the average obtained in the customer satisfaction questionnaires according to the ISO9000 procedure is 4.8 out of 5 points.