Shaping the future
Our employees form the basis of our success.
Our corporate culture is characterized by openness and transparency as well as trusting cooperation with our employees. As a family business with tradition, we combine the courage to progress with sustainability and reliability. Innovation and durability are not just characteristics of our products, they also reflect how we work at WEHRLE. With us you can expect a job with personal responsibility and freedom for personal development in an international team with different people. We look forward to working with you.

Current job offers
Are you ready to shape the future together with a dynamic team? Discover the possibilities for you to fully exploit your potential and apply now!

Working at WEHRLE
We attach great importance to creating a working environment characterized by mutual respect, openness and teamwork. We promote a culture of collaboration and exchange in which our employees can contribute ideas, develop further and drive innovation. In this way, you will make a significant contribution to company development.

We are TOP-JOB employers
WEHRLE was honored by the Zentrum für Arbeitgeberattraktivität (zeag GmbH [Center for Employer Attractiveness]) on the basis of a scientifically substantiated employee and management survey. zeag GmbH selects the most attractive employers from among Germany’s medium-sized enterprises. The patron of “TOP JOB” is the former vice-chancellor of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel. He emphasizes that: “To be the employer of first choice is an important strategic decision if companies want to be successful in the long term as well.” At our very first attempt, we were awarded the renowned “TOP JOB” quality mark for particularly high employer attractiveness.
The fair and family atmosphere at WEHRLE is based above all on mutual respect. Our employees do outstanding work – and we reward them with something special. Because only those who feel comfortable give their best every day.

Climate-friendly to work
Discover the advantages of a career at WEHRLE! In addition to an exciting range of tasks, we offer you a variety of benefits such as job bike leasing, Hansefit, daycare subsidies, mobile working, a central company location and much more!
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For over 160 years, WEHRLE has stood for reliable and sustainable service provision for its regional and international customers.
The most important success factor for our company is the reliable and quality-conscious work of our employees.
More about WEHRLE
We don't think in quarters, but in generations.